Organization of the Society

Executive Committee

The ISB Executive Committee (EC) has the following subcommittees and members listed below. Membership of EC Subcommittees is restricted to EC members except where noted otherwise. These committees are governed by the following standard operating procedures.

IT Infrastructure Committee

The IT Infrastructure Committee is responsible for ensuring the infrastructure required for the running of the Society is in place and fully operational. This includes, but is not limited to the:

  • Website (infrastructure)
  • Membership database
  • Membership renewal pipeline – including posting of renewal reminders
  • Mailing lists

2024-2025 subcommittee members:

Training, Outreach, and Communication Committee

The Training, Outreach, and Communication Committee is responsible for any training and outreach activities undertaken by the Society. They will produce and distribute information about the Society to existing and potential members and other interested parties such as funding bodies, journals, and the media. This includes, but is not limited to, responsibility for the:

  • Website (content)
  • Publicity materials

The EC may choose to appoint an Outreach Officer who will work with this committee to implement its objectives.

2024-2025 subcommittee members:

Biocuration Awards Committee

The Biocuration Awards Committee is responsible for organizing the nomination candidates for annual and bi-annual (i.e., every two years) biocuration awards to the EC by membership vote. It is also responsible for updating the criteria of the awards and providing information about the nomination and voting process on the award webpage.

The final selection of these awards will be made by membership vote and announced at the Society’s annual general meeting (AGM) or annual international biocuration conference.

2024-2025 subcommittee members:

Other awards offered by the ISB include

External Committees

The following committees are mostly run by members, but also typically include EC members.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee

The Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Committee promotes awareness of EDI both within the Society and the broader community. This committee welcomes non-EC members to join as well. See the EDI webpage for more details.

For 2024-2025 this committee will meet only on an as needed basis when ISB members have concerns that need to be addressed. The position of EDIA Officer has been added to the EC to coordinate all EDIA efforts and respond to members concerns.

Conference Coordination Committee

The Conference Coordination Committee committee has the dual role of interfacing with the local organizing committee of the next Biocuration conference, as well coordinating efforts to encourage applications to host future Biocuration conferences.

2024-2025 subcommittee members:

Election of Executive Committee

Description: A Nominating Committee will be convened annually to work with the Election Officer to organize the nomination and final selection of candidates for election to the EC by membership vote. The EC will select and invite the Nominating Committee members. The Nominating Committee selects the Election Officer. Membership is restricted to ISB members and non-members of the EC.

The names of the Nominating Committee and Election Officer are provided on the EC election webpage.
