Results of 2016 Elections of ISB Executive Committee

The results of the 2016 Elections of the
ISB Executive Committee are in!

Congratulations to
Dr. Peter McQuilton and Dr. Andrew Su!


We express our sincere gratitude to all ISB members who participated in this year’s electoral process with your vote. One hundred and thirty four out of 269 eligible ISB members voted in this year’s election.

Your vote has elected Peter and Andrew to take the two EC positions that will be open when the terms of Claire O’Donovan and Mike Cherry come to completion on 31-October-2016.

Please join us in thanking Claire and Mike for all their work over the past six years!

We would like to also express our sincere gratitude to the rest of the nominated candidates who considered volunteering their time as part of the ISB-EC this year:

Nicole Vasilevsky, Chris Hunter, Lynn Schriml, Peter Uetz, and Jasmine Young.

We are also very grateful with these ISB members who volunteered their time for a successful execution of the 2016 EC election:

  • 2016 Nominating Committee: Kimberly Van Auken, Frederic Bastian, Doug Howe, Ruth Lovering, and Jingchu Luo.
  • Elections Officer: Mary Ann Tuli
  • Membership Officer: Lorna Richardson

Thank you again for participating in the 2016 ISB Electoral Process!

Your colleagues at the ISB Executive Committee.

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