EMBL-EBI has an ongoing series of webinars on the use of Large Language Models (LLMs) in bioinformatics. The series runs from Feb. 26 – Apr. 2, 2025. Sign ups and recordings of past webinars on the EMBL-EBI site.
Tag: Training
Apply now for PgCert in Biocuration at Cambridge University

This one year, masters’ level course has been jointly designed by EMBL-EBI and Cambridge University, with input from members of this society.
It has been designed to be studies around full time employment – the course consist of 3 modules, each comprised of a 3 day face to face workshop followed by 8-10 weeks of study offsite, coordinated using the University online learning system.
For further details and links to apply please visit the website: https://www.ice.cam.ac.uk/course/postgraduate-certificate-biocuration
Applications for this year close on the 17th May, with the course starting in October 2019.
If you have any queries please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Postgraduate Certificate in Biocuration – University of Cambridge, UK